Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Romance Endures and Cute Guy Wednesday

Kimber An has honored me with an invitation to join her review site, Enduring Romance. I'll be posting every third Sunday, beginning April 20 with GLORY GIRLS by Linda Bleser. This is going to be so fun, though I'll have to behave myself and tone down the snark a little.

And to thank her for her thoughtfulness, I present Kimber An's Cute Guy Wednesday: Liam Neeson.


Kimber Li said...

Oh! I don't have those Liam pictures! Thank you!

For the record, my husband says Liam is just a glorification of him.

StarvingWriteNow said...

Go, Robyn, go! I'll have to link to that site, it sounds neat!

Robyn said...

Kimber, does your poor hubby have to put up with the Adolescent Crushes On Actors Gene like mine does?

Beth, I'm glad you're all moved in. Hope your kitties survived the hiss-fest okay!

Missie said...

I yike Yiam. He is yummy.

Robyn said...

Vewwy vewwy yummy!

Bernita said...


Robyn said...

Amen, sister. Amen.